Charity Concert by Martina Meola
Fundația Hospice Angelus Moldova, are o deosebită plăcere de a vă invita pe data de 26 Mai la Sala cu Orgă, începând cu ora 16:00, la un Concert de Caritate susținut de Martina Meola. Alătură-te la o seară plină de farmec și talent muzical desăvârșit, în timp ce tânăra noastră pianistă Martina Meola, în vârstă de doar 11 ani, ne încântă cu virtuozitatea ei la pian. Născută la Milano, și-a început studiile de pian la vârsta de 6 ani în Moldova alături de profesorul Irina Bogataia, la Școala de Arte „Alexei Starcea” din Chișinău, Moldova, La o vârstă atât de fragedă, Martina Meola este câștigatoarea la numeroase concursuri și concerte atât în Moldova, cât și în străinătate, inclusiv cele cu caracter umanitar. La fel Martina este finalista emisiunii „Românii au Talent”. În iunie 2022, la vârsta de doar 9 ani, a plecat în Italia și a fost imediat admisă la cursul special rezervat „Tinerilor Talente”, la Conservatorul „Giuseppe Verdi” din Milano, prestigioasa școală de muzică la care în prezent învață cu pasiune alături de profesorul Silvia Limongelli. Cu toată mândria și bucuria, vă invităm să vă alăturați nouă pentru a fi martori unei performanțe muzicale uluitoare, unde vă veți convinge că talentul nu cunoaște limite de vârstă. Să dăm muzicii și compasiunii noastre aripi și să fim prezenți la evenimentele memorabile ale Martinei! http://surl.li/swiup
Charity Ball May 24 2024
Angelus Moldova Foundation is pleased to invite you to participate at The Annual Charity Ball of Hospice Angelus Moldova, the 14th edition, that will take place on Friday at Capitoles Park Restaurant on May 24, 2024, starting at 06:00 PM. The Ball will be held under the patronage of the Honorary President of Hospice Angelus Foundation, His Highness, Prince Stefan Dimitrie Ferdinand Sturdza. The theme of this year’s event is “Light up the Star”. Each participant by their presence and contribution ,,will brighten up” a star, the light of which shines improve the quality of life for children with life-threatening diseases. The Hospice Angelus Charity Ball aims to raise funds to ensure high-quality palliative care for children, which must be available at all times, in the only Hospice for children in the Republic of Moldova “Casa Angelus”, located in the village Isacova, Orhei district. The select fundraising event is the most important in the Republic of Moldova and is attended by ambassadors, members of the diplomatic corps, people from the field of culture, public figures and businessmen. An exceptional artistic program, premium wines and fine food, charity auctions with artworks, clothing creations by local designers, valuables and surprise experiences will all be the magical elements that shape the annual ball. The special guest of this year’s event is Martina Meola, one of the youngest pianists in the world, finalist of the “Romania’s Got Talent” competition, and recipient of a scholarship from the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory in Milan, Italy. By purchasing a ticket for this event, you contribute directly to the provision of palliative care services for children in the “Casa Angelus” Hospice. Ticket reservations: 060 79 40 79 | angelus.fundraising@gmail.com| Ticket cost – 2000 MDL
Endava Company acts in support of Hospice Angelus Moldova Foundation
This year, Endava supports the initiative launched by Hospice Angelus Moldova.
Hospice Angelus Online Charity Auction
Throughout the 20 years of our activity, Hospice Angelus has been close to its patients in the hardest moments of their lives, providing a full support system for them and their families. Since Covid we have experienced the merciless effects on our oncological and chronic patients. At this time of social distancing, we kindly ask you to remember our patients in Moldova and to participate to this Online Charity Auction which will take place only for 24 hours on October 20-21. With your support, we will be able to offer free palliative care to many patients suffering from an incurable illness. Please find below: 1. The Charity Auction Catalog; HERE 2. The Guid of setting up online charity auction; HERE 3. The Registration Form for Online Charity Auction organized by Hospice Angelus Moldova; HERE Thank you so much for your kindness and empathy.
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(Română) Redirecționează 2% din impozitul pe venit către Hospice Angelus Moldova
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A Christmas Gift
The spirit of the winter holidays makes us better and more beautiful to the soul. On this wave of kindness, the Hospice Angelus Foundation starts the social campaign ”A Christmas gift”. The campaign is carried out in support of children with incurable diseases and is supported by Metro Cash & Carry Moldova and Asconi Winery. We choose to offer gifts specifically to these children because they have no choice but to deal with pain, and most of them are born in socially vulnerable families. The children from Hospice Angelus program are 5-18 years old. We will be grateful if the box will indicate the age and for whom the gift is prepared, for girl or boy (eg 7 years, girl). Your gift may include personal hygiene products, toys, coloring books, story books, supplies, clothing, non-perishable sweets, powdered milk. Please avoid perishable products. The gifts will be collected at the Hospice Angelus Foundation, 42/2, M.Eminescu street, from December 5 to 20, between 9.30 – 17.00. For more information please contact us at the number: 060794079.
(Română) Concert Aniversar Hospice Angelus Moldova
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Anniversary Hospice Angelus charity ball 2019
The Annual Charity Ball Hospice Angelus 11th Anniversary Edition On May 24, 2019, starting at 18:00, around 190 people met at the Hospice Angelus Charity Anniversary Ball, the 10th Jubilee edition of "Country Hora". The event took place at the Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel, located on Mitropolit Varlaam 77, Chisinau. The Charity Ball was held under the aegis of His Serene Highness, Prince Ștefan Dimitrie Ferdinand Sturdza, The Honorary President of Hospice Angelus, The event was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps: His Excellency Pascal Le Deunff - Ambassador of France to the Republic of Moldova, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration - Tudor Ulianovschi, Silvia Radu - Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection, Boris Gîlcă - Secretary General of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, invited from abroad, including: Her Highness Princess Monika Sturdza, His Highness Count Carl and Countess Juliet von Schönburg-Glauchau, businessmen, artists, representatives of "Hospice Angelus Moldova" and other supporters of the organization. The guests were greeted with bread and enjoyed sparkling wine from Purcari Wines on the unmistakable music of the "Stefan Voda" ensemble. The evening program included a festive dinner and a varied artistic program. At the event there was a tender auction with a presentation of original objects donated by: Moldeco, IG Wines, Kasandruta, Swarovski, Winerist, Mihu, Author, Master Iurie Matei, Serafim Urechean, Svetlana Bivol and Evgheni Hudorojcov; a no-shout auction, a raffle and a video about the organization's activity. Among the supporters of the noble cause promoted by Hospice Angelus Moldova are the pro-bono artists who played at the event: "Veselia" Ensemble, Bunica and Bunelul from Văleni, the ensemble Vălencuţele and the presenters Victoria Condrat and Teodor Rădulescu. Thanks to the sponsors of the 10th edition of the Charity Ball, Gold Sponsors: Moldova Agroindbank, Purcari Wines, Supraten, Infinity Labz; Sponsor Silver: Hotel Radisson Blu Leogrand; Bronze Sponsors: Trigger AVD and Creator Iu. Borsch; "Irinda prim" and others who have not remained indifferent and supported this manifestation. On the evening of the event, thanks to the generosity of the honorary patron and the participants in the auction, a record amount of 47,000 EURO was collected; and the accumulated amount of sponsorship and event attendance exceeds € 23 million. The financial source will be used for free services of Palliative Care (PC) provided by Hospice Angelus Moldova. The purpose of the event is to raise public awareness of the need for PC in the Republic of Moldova and to raise financial resources for free care for adults and children in the Foundation's book (at the time of the home care program: 60 adults and 38 children, 15 children at the Pediatric Care Center "Casa Angelus" Market and approximately 1500 patients in the stomatherapy program). Palliative care aims to improve the quality of life of patients with incurable, severe, advanced, life-threatening illnesses of up to 12 months and their families, providing medical, social, psycho-emotional and spiritual counseling. In 2018, approximately 2100 patients found support and relief along with Hospice Angelus. We will be happy to review you at the 11th edition of the Annual Charity and other events organized by Hospice Angelus! Sponsorship packages