London Charity Event for Hospice Angelus

Dear Friends,

You are invited to an evening of wine, food and Music

to support a Charity close to our header, Hospice Angelus Moldova.

To date, Hospice Angelus is the only organisation of its kind

in Moldova, offering palliative care to children and adults at

its multiple national CARE centres.

Founded by Valerian Isac, Hospice Angelus Moldova has helped

tens of thousands of patients and their relatives over the past 20 years.

The evening will commence with a Champagne reception at 18.00 followed by an array of excellent wines, these will include:

Tua Rita Giusto Notri 2013
Tenuta di Biserno Toscana Biserno 2012
Pagodes Cos 2011
Arnoux Lachaux Bourgogne Pinot Fin 2015
Cuvée de Purcari Extra Brut White Sparkling Wine
Rara Neagră de Purcari
A full breakdown of the evening is as follows:

18.00 – Champagne reception
19.00 – Charity Presentation
19.30 – Canapes and Music
20.00 – Wine Tasting
20.30 – Auction

There is no cost for the evening, all we ask is for you to enjoy the wine and support this fantastic charity that is so close to our hearts.

Please RSVP to or to to confirm your attendance and whether you will be bringing a guest.

If you are unable to attend, we would still appreciate your donations.




The system only works with Mastercard and VISA

1 EUR = 20.00 MDL

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Orele de lucru: Luni-Vineri (9.00 - 17.30)